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July 21-23, 2025: Implementation of the DBT STEPS-A Social Emotional Learning Curriculum-16.5 CE Hours

The DBT STEPS-A Implementation Training provides instructors, teachers and school staff familiarity with the DBT STEPS-A curriculum.  This training includes background information on how the DBT STEPS-A curriculum was developed, potential barriers and issues in implementation, solutions for student related challenges, and implementation strategies for teaching lessons. 
The training is designed to establish four basic elements necessary in implementing the DBT STEPS-A curriculum effectively: 
A. Background and Development of the DBT STEPS-A curriculum 
B. Structure and Implementation Considerations
C. Overview and demonstration of DBT STEPS-A lessons 
D. Preparation and participant practice of teaching DBT STEPS-A lessons.

Price:$945.00 per person
Early Bird Pricing: $895

Please note the DBT Skills in Schools: Skills Training for Emotional Problem Solving for Adolescents (DBT STEPS-A; Mazza et al., 2016) curriculum is required for this training. The manual can be ordered directly through Guilford Press or Amazon.

Please read the overview section of the curriculum prior to class.

DBT in Schools, LLC will provide registered participants with additional training materials prior to the start date.

Who Should Attend 
  • High School & Middle School Teachers 
  • School Administrators 
  • School Counselors and Social Workers
  • School Mental Health Staff 
  • Prevention Specialists
  • Behavioral Health Professionals
CE Hours - 16.5
  • Participants attending the entire training may receive a certificate for 16.5 CE Hours.
  • DBT in Schools, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7064. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. DBT in Schools, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
  • This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval # 12/31/2024) for 886826240-2348 16.5 continuing education contact hours.
DBT STEPS-A Learning Objectives
1.	Understand the development of and rationale for the DBT STEPS-A curriculum in middle and high schools.
2.	Understand how the DBT STEPS-A curriculum can be implemented within a Multi Tier Systems of Support (MTSS) model
3.	Understand how the DBT STEPS-A curriculum in a school differs from comprehensive DBT clinical treatment.
4.	Understand the sequence of the curriculum and how it can be adapted to fit my setting.
5.	Understand how to use the DBT STEPS-A manual to prepare and deliver SEL lessons to a classroom and small group settings.
6.	Understand how to use a DBT STEPS-A diary card as a progress monitoring tool within the classroom setting.
7.	Learn to use the DBT STEPS-A manual in preparing for and teaching the lessons to the students using a variety of teaching strategies.
8.	Understand the concept of dialectics and the skill of dialectical thinking.
9.	Understand the 7 mindfulness skills.
10.	Participants will learn how to lead students through a mindfulness exercise and generalize the practice to the lives of students.
11.	Understand the difference between the distress tolerance “Crisis Survival” and
“Accepting Reality” skills.
12.	Prepare and teach the Distract with ACCEPTS crisis survival skill to peers in preparation to teach lesson to students.
13.	Prepare and teach the Model of Emotions from the emotion regulation module to peers in preparation to teach lessons to students.
14.	Prepare and teach one skill (DEAR MAN or Evaluating Options) from the interpersonal effectiveness module in preparation to teach lessons to students.
15.	Identify and address the common barriers to effective implementation.
  • Registration for PO and Multiple Trainee Registrations will generate and invoice that can be paid for by ACH, Credit, Debit, Check By Mail, or Wire

  • Single Trainee Registrations are Credit/Debit Card Only

July 17

July 17-18, 2025: Introduction to DBT Informed School Counseling Strategies: 2 Day Training- 11 CE Hours

September 30

September 30 - October 2: Implementation of the DBT STEPS-A Social Emotional Learning Curriculum