Like Water Over a Rock
During training, people will often tell us that they tell their students or kids what to do and they don’t do it. That they have taught them skills and strategies and they don’t use them. Most often, my initial response is, “Remember, change happens like water over a rock.” Change doesn’t’ happen for almost any of us by just hearing or learning something once. We often have to hear it repeatedly, we have to let it sink in over time and have multiple examples that resonate with your student and kids.
The Therapy Show- Interview with Dr. Bridget Nash
Dr. Bridget Nash has developed a website and podcast with the mission of demystifying mental disorders and the associated treatment modalities. In her interview with Jim and Lizz, she explores the need for and the reasoning behind the DBT STEPS-A curriculum and how the classes can be structured in a middle or high school.
Checking in!
We’ve been busy! This new time has provided us an opportunity to make real progress toward our dreams. Stay connected to learn what we are up to!